Viewing Distance
The distance from which the final Lenticular piece will be viewed. (For example, a Lenticular postcard that is a hand-held piece will typically be viewed at 5-12 inches, where as a Lenticular poster may be viewed at 2-20 feet.) Determining the precise viewing distance is critical to achieving a successful effect.
Typically, as the size of the image increases, the LPI of the Lenticular lens sheet will decrease. The larger the image size, the more difficult it becomes to properly align the lens with the image or printer. A lower LPI sheet is easier to align than a higher LPI sheet due to its larger lenticule widths. However, this is not the only question to ask to properly determine the LPI.
Viewing Distance - Given that lenticular graphics use a lens, it has an ideal observing range. With regard to three dimensional graphics found on vertical Lenticules, any viewer considerably outside of the optimum watching distance will not see any effect because the comparable range between the two observing angles (your eyes) will be zero. Regarding animated effects watching outside of the observing angle will certainly drastically increase (or even reduce to zero) how much motion is required to see the total movement.
With respect to the kind of display this becomes essential. Exactly where audiences will be positioned signifcantly far away (for example big billboard displays) there isn't a reason to make a Lenticular because the effect is going to be displaced and also the price and time frame of this particular medium will probably be squandered. It's the same regarding purely big displays, no matter where the viewer is it may be unattainable to get exactly the same standpoint around the whole graphic. Regarding bigger displays including movie posters this ought to be taken into account.
Additional factors concerning observing range will assist you to determine the type of lens utilized. Lens sheets having a thin viewing perspective, usually preserved with regard to three dimensional effects that can help provide every eye another perspective, tend to be more dependable regarding viewing distance observing as they lessen the level of motion required to achieve the movement or three dimensional outcome. Big animated displays along with slim viewing perspectives can be placed tactically where audiences are apt to move through the complete viewing range needed, this can mean mounting a graphic above a incline, stairwell, or even escalator. This image is an example of people standing at a good Lenticular viewing distance